Dana Kristjansson, MD, PhD

About me

Research Background: Cancer, fertility, mitochondrial DNA

The common thread of my work focuses on the impact of modifiable exposure on chronic disease outcomes in later life, and makes use of a broad and comprehensive research background. I am an MD, having conducted internal medicine training at New York Presbyterian Hospital, which inspires me to ask medically relevant questions. Later in my career, I obtained a PhD at the University of Bergen in Norway, where I worked on mitochondrial genetics. I’m currently a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public health at the Center of Fertility and Health in Oslo, a certified Center of Excellence in Norway. Previously, I have been an Assistant Clinical Professor at Tisch Cancer Institute and Department of Preventive Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Mount Sinai Hospital in NY, NY) where I was co-investigator on two NIH-funded grants on World Trade Center and cancer. I have also been invited as a guest lecturer in cancer bioinformatics at Georgetown University where I had obtained my masters of science. I also have experience as a visiting scientist at the International Agency for Cancer Research at the World Health Organisation and Columbia University Medical Center. I have also won a student scholarship at New York University for outstanding academic achievement, as well as several awards for research work presented at international conferences.

Link to my publications

In my spare time, I enjoy travelling, knitting, painting, and spending time with my family. I especially enjoy exploring the art and history museums of Oslo, in addition to the breath-taking nature that can be found within city limits.

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